Son olarak 2021′de “The Everlasting Plague“i çıkaran ABD’li brutal death metal grubu PATHOLOGY yeni albümü “Unholy Descent“i 17 Mayıs’ta çıkarıyor.
Detaylar şöyle.
1. Intro 01:05
2. Cult of the Black Triangle 02:40
3. Hermetic Gateways 02:34
4. Psychotronic Abominations 03:01
5. Summon the Shadows 03:37
6. Whispers of the Djinn 03:01
7. Archon 03:19
8. Malevolent Parasite 02:59
9. Diabolical Treachery 03:31
10. Demons in the Aether 02:48
11. Punishment Beyond Comprehension 02:53
12. Apostles of Fire 03:29
13. A World Turned to Ashes