Son albümü “Rebirth by Blasphemy“yi 2020′de çıkaran ABD’li black/speed metal grubu MIDNIGHT yeni albümü “Let There Be Witchery“yi 4 Mart’ta çıkarıyor.
Detaylar şöyle.
1. Telepathic Nightmare 03:31
2. Frothing Foulness 02:59
3. In Sinful Secrecy 03:21
4. Nocturnal Molestation 03:41
5. More Torment 03:59
6. Let There Be Sodomy 03:22
7. Devil Virgin 03:45
8. Snake Obsession 02:41
9. Villainy Wretched Villainy 03:26
10. Szex Witchery 03:59
“Nocturnal Molestation” yayınlandı.
İlk single “Szex Witchery” de şöyle.